
Friday, November 26, 2010

Black Friday Recap

After pouring over the Black Friday flyers for weeks, I wasn't too jazzed about anything.

Sure, there were a few things that looked interesting, but nothing that warranted standing out in the freezing cold in the middle of the night. That is, until I checked Twitter. I happened to check before I went to bed Thanksgiving night. I noticed that the Gap was having 50% off the entire store until 10 AM. It also said that some stores were opening at midnight. This, I was jazzed about. I called the Gap near me to see if they had a recording on the phone. Nothing. I decided to drive over there at midnight to see if they were open. After going back and forth on Twitter with some blogger friends, one of them decided that she was going to go too. I took a nap for two hours and woke up at 11:30. I decided to check Twitter again before I left. Thank goodness I did. I saw that my local Gap didn't open until 7:00 AM. Back to sleep I went. I got up at about 6:30 and headed to the shopping area. Here's what I saw at 6:54 AM.

There was absolutely no line! Just before they opened the doors, there were two people waiting in line to get in. I decided to stay nice and dry (and warm) in my car to wait for the doors to open. Once I did, I made out pretty well. I picked up a couple of things for my sister and a few things for myself.
Later, I met up with my sis. Here she is trying on some super fashionable hats at the Gap. I was trying to pretend that I didn't know her.

Here I am trying on a scarf, wrap type of thing. It was pretty cool, but in the end, I didn't get it.
If you decided to stay in bed and sleep off your turkey coma, don't fret. There are still good deals to be had. I hope whatever you did, it was a fun day.

1 comment:

  1. i'm shocked there was no line at the gap! clearly, this is a major recession!
