
Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas Wrap-up

Ahhh, it's over. Don't get me wrong, I love Christmas. It's my favorite holiday. I love giving presents. I also love getting presents from my nieces and nephews that they pick out for me. The look on their faces as I'm unwrapping them is priceless. They're so proud of themselves. It's great.

My tradition is to go to my sister's on Christmas Eve day and bake to get ready for the next day. I also bring presents for her and the kids and we open them then.

Here's one of my favorite gifts:

Yes, that's a pack of toilet paper. I just love practical gifts.

After we get the baking done, I head home (for a nap) and head off to my BFF's in-law's for Christmas Eve.
Here we are with her youngest child. It's her first Christmas. She looks pretty excited about it.

Here are the stockings at my parents house. Notice that the cats stocking is bigger than mine.
I had a great Christmas. How about you?


  1. Haha! I love it! TP is practical, you are right there! I hope you had a wonderful holiday and that I'll get to see you soon!

    oh and Santa did bring me a new laptop!! who knew he was listening! I am a happy girl!

  2. I'm glad you had a great Christmas! I did too and now I can't bring myself to have the energy to even want to take the tree and decorations down. Maybe I could just leave it up?
