
Saturday, December 4, 2010


Last week I attended an outing at The Melting Pot in Bedford with some friends from Boston Parent Bloggers. I've never been before and I have to say, I think I'm in love. Check out this melty goodness:

They gave us a number of cheese fondues to sample. I wish I could say that I had a favorite, but they were all so good, it's hard to choose one that I liked the best.

After we had our fill of cheese, they brought out the dessert fondue. I was so excited, I nearly passed out. Not only was it delicious, the presentation was spectacular. They had Yin & Yang, Bananas Foster, Flaming Turtle, Chocolate S'mores and many more.

As I said, I really, really liked the chocolate.

Photo courtesy of Robin at Masshole Mommy

As I was walking through the restaurant, I didn't notice any children. This is a great place for a date night or a girl's night out.

Photo courtesy of Robin at Masshole Mommy

A special shout-out goes to Kristen from The Melting Pot for hosting us. She's a fun gal who knows her way around a fondue pot. I'd also like to thank Christy from Boston Parent Bloggers for putting this whole thing together.

1 comment:

  1. Both of my friends here in the 'hood rave about this place. I have never lived near one, but since we're just down the road from Providence now, I must talk the man into taking me.
    They said the same thing about date night, or adult night. They said it was too pricey for the kids :)
    Thanks for the review, I'll have to check it out. I love all things cheesey and chocolatey.
