
Friday, December 10, 2010

They Call Me Sick-a Claus

Tis the season....for the stomach bug. It seems like everyone has it or had it. Some haven't had it yet. Fortunately, I'm hearing that it only last hours and not days. That's the good news. The bad news is, it's awful. First, you're throwing, then you're going (if you know what I mean). In my sisters family, three of the five of them have been stricken with it so far. First her youngest, then her husband and today, her. Luckily the kids were all fine today and headed off to school. That meant that she and her husband could stay home and rest. When I heard that they both had it I decided to drop off a "sick box" for them. I left it on the front porch. I'm not stepping foot in that place until it's been completely decontaminated! Here's what I left:
If you know someone who is stuck at home with the dreaded stomach bug, please consider dropping off some supplies. The last thing you want to do when you (or your little one) are sick is go to the store. I included: ginger ale, saltines, Coke, soup, Gatorade, bread (to make toast) and a few craft items to keep the kids busy when they got home from school.
Some other items to consider adding would be Pedialyte, Jell-O, hand sanitizer and Lysol (to disinfect surfaces).
I'm hoping that the virus stops with my sisters family. I'd really like to have a Merry Christmas not a Merry Sickmas!


  1. Over here it goes through whole hospitals so often this time of year it has a name. The Winter Vomiting Bug. Gotta be serious to get its own name I'd say.

  2. OH NO!!! I feel so badly for them! So, Harry hasn't had it yet? Molly had it a few weeks ago but no one else go it...knock on wood! Your such a great sister and sister n law bringing that over the house! TTYS

  3. Craft items for the kids - what a GREAT idea! I may have to steal it.

  4. SUCH a good idea! Maybe a new DVD if there are little kids involved. Love it!
