
Sunday, May 15, 2011

Where am I Going With This?

I'm suffering from a bad case of "bloggers block." I can't think of a single thing to write about. The more I try to think of something, the more blocked I become. It's so frustrating.

After attending Bloggy Boot Camp a couple of weeks ago, I can't help but question myself: "where am I going with this?" I met so many wonderful bloggers at the conference. I think most of them fall into one of the following categories: Mommy Blogger, Food Blogger or Deal Blogger. I'm not a mom. I had Wheat Chex for dinner and I only seek out deals in the clothing stores. Where do I fit in? Are people even interested in what I have to say? Is it relevant?

So, I've decided to open it up to you, my reader(s): what would you like to hear about? What topics would you like me to cover?

Thanks for continuing to read my little blog. I really appreciate it.


  1. I don't think you have to have a "theme" to blog. I so enjoy your blog just because it's interesting. I think you have a fun (maybe twisted) perspective on life and it's funny and entertaining.
    None of this is meant to be offensive, I truly love following :)

  2. BE YOURSELF and the readers will enjoy you! Write about your passions and YOU will shine through.

  3. Well, here's the thing about you, my friend. You are totally random and I love you the way you are. I don't think you have to fall into a certain category to be one of the cool kids - which you are. Just write about whatever and the people that love you (and Kelly), like me, will come.

    Hugs - JUST KIDDING. Eeesh, just the thought gives me the heebie jeebies.

  4. I agree with all of the above. You can box yourself in, that's not you. You are interesting, funny & witty and tell a great story no matter what it is about. You are truly entertaining and I LOVE your blog. Hello, you inspired me to blog! Something will light that spark and your funny, witty words will just flow.

  5. I meant, you can't box yourself in. Mama's tired...LOL

  6. Who says you have to be one of the three? I am neither a mommy, deal or food blogger. There needs to be more out then those out there :)

  7. Laura - Your the "Seinfeld" of Blogging.. You don't need a theme. You're entertaining whatever the topic. Keep at it!

  8. Wheat Chex for Dinner. Snort! Love the randomness, but I have a suggestion. You sound like the best auntie ever. Maybe you can share your secret auntie sauce on a regular basis.
