
Tuesday, June 14, 2011

My Hero

I've decided to start a series called "My Hero." I will showcase a different person (or people) that I consider a hero(s).

My hero is my nephew Joshua.
He was born in 2001, shortly after 9/11.
He's a twin.
He's very outgoing and has a great personality.
He also has Crohn's Disease. He was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis when he was 3 years old. His diagnosis changed to Crohn's when he was 8. He's now 9 and has to endure medication transfusions every few weeks. True to form, he goes through it with a smile.

He's so brave.

Josh lives in Texas with his mom, dad (my brother), twin brother Justin and little sister Jessica. I miss them all terribly. I miss them even more when I know that Josh has to go through all of this.
Even though he's only 9, he is a hero to me.
I love you Josh!

1 comment:

  1. Great idea for a post. I LOVE your first subject. Josh really is a Hero. We miss you too Josh - wishing you lived much closer.
    Hello to the whole family too - miss you guys
