
Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Our Bermuda Cruise. Part 1

Last week we did a family cruise from Boston to Bermuda. The entire family went (with the exception of my brother and his family. They're in Texas and couldn't make the trip. We missed them). The first thing that struck me as we pulled up to the cruise terminal was the chaos. I'm not a fan of lines or chaos. Who is, really? I had to flag down a porter to take our bags and then we waited in line for security. After security, we waiting in another line to check in. After that, we finally boarded the ship. We immediately went to the buffet for some lunch. I was a little overwhelmed with all of the people. This ship holds over 2,000 and I think they were all getting lunch at the same time.
Soon after we finished eating we went to our cabins (or as my nephews called them, our "apartments"). The room was actually bigger than I expected. Don't get me wrong, it was small, but it could have been a lot smaller. We had a window in our cabin, which is a good thing. It's nice to have some natural light in such a tiny space.
Here are some shots of our cabin.

Here's a picture of the pool deck:
I went to the pool area on our first day aboard the ship. They had a DJ playing really loud music and about 15 young adults (18 year olds that were so excited that the legal drinking age on a ship is 18) in each of the four hot tubs. I thought for a minute that I was on a spring break cruise. I truly felt my age. I actually thought to myself, "turn that racket down, will ya!?". I know, I'm a total old fart. Oh well, the pool area got better as the days went on. Most times we'd just sit up there and hang out as a family. It was nice to just relax and completely unplug for a few days.

Here are some more pictures from our trip:


  1. First, thanks for stopping by my way neglected blog and commenting. Secondly, I'm way behind on blog reading too.
    Your trip looks awesome. I'm so glad you had a chance to get away and enjoy some family time.

  2. I love how the boys called the cabins "apartments" so funny!! Looks like a great trip. The pictures are beautiful :)
