
Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Invisalign Teen

This post was written by Kelly

Invisalign Teen is something I have been thinking about for my teenage daughter. When I was her age I had the worst teeth ever. I had overcrowding, an overbite and a really small mouth. I probably would have really benefitted form a palate expander, but they didn’t exist back then. I had to have teeth removed before they could put the braces on and then I had braces for almost 3 years. I had the type of braces with the bands that went all the way around the tooth and I had to wear a headgear (gasp). I didn’t get to wear the cute ones that were tiny and centered on the tooth like some of my friends. I truly had a “tin grin”.

My daughter is MUCH luckier than I was. Her teeth are only a little over crowded. Her dentist suggested that Invisalign may be just right for her. She wouldn’t have to have any teeth pulled either! Hmmm...this really made me think that now is the time to get my daughter braces. She would LOVE to have Invisalign. So many of her friends have the traditional braces. She doesn’t want the “tin grin” she would like to discretely have her teeth corrected. My dentist contacted my dental insurance to find out what was covered on my plan. Lucky for me a some of the cost will be covered.

I went online to do a little research and was pleasantly surprised with how many orthodontists are using Invisalign in my area.

I attended the Bloggy Boot Camp Conference in Boston a couple of months ago and Invisalign Teen was one of the sponsors of the conference. I had a chance to sit down with a couple of the ladies from Invisalign Teen and learn more about their product. To say I was impressed is an understatement.

Here are some things I learned about Invisalign Teen at the conference.

Invisalign (also known as “clear or invisible braces”) are removable appliances or “aligners” that are used to straighten teeth. For all of us who had braces as kids, think of the retainer you wore after your braces. Invisalign has products that are customized to treat both adults and teens.

How does Invisalign work?

Invisalign uses a series of clear removable aligners to gradually straighten teeth, without metal or wires. Detailed impressions are taken of the teeth, the company utilizes proprietary 3D computer imaging technology to map the patient’s complete treatment from start to finish. Patients wear each aligners for about two weeks. During that time, the aligners gradually move their teeth to the prescribed final position.

Patients typically visit their doctor once every six weeks to ensure the treatment is progressing as planned, and to receive their next few sets of aligners.

Invisalign Teen has a couple of new features, the blue compliance indicator, that is designed to fade as the aligner is worn and they also have an Eruption Tab that accommodates the growth of secondary molars.

Why Teens Want It:

It fits their active lifestyle. -

Since the Invisalign Aligners are comfortable and durable, it is easy for teens

to continue their favorite activities such as playing sports and musical instruments - activities that can be challenging or uncomfortable with traditional metal braces.

It looks great. -

Invisalign's near-invisibility is still one of the most popular features for teens;

treatment is very inconspicuous, making it easier for teens to "fit in" rather

than call attention to their treatment.

It’s removable.

Since teens can take the aligners out to brush and floss, they can maintain normal, healthy hygiene during treatment.

They can eat what they want - no forbidden foods

It’s comfortable.

Invisalign Teen Aligners are made of lightweight plastic that is custom-fitted to each patient’s teeth.

There are no wires or uncomfortable metal brackets poking or tearing their mouths or gums.

It’s innovative and it works.

Invisalign Teen solves an age-old problem with a new technology and a fresh


Like traditional braces, Invisalign Teen effectively straightens teeth.

For more information visit the Invisalign website.

Disclaimer: I was compensated for this post, but all opinions are 100% my own.

1 comment:

  1. I would have loved to get these for my daughter. My son's braces come off in about 1 month and my daughter still has at least a year. My ortho didn't ask, he just threw on the usual braces. I wasn't happy, but he's my husband's client. Our bread and butter!
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