
Saturday, July 9, 2011

Skinny Cow Perfect Cup Event

Today Kelly and I went into Boston for the Skinny Cow Perfect Cup event. We had a blast! They really know how to put on an event.

The event was held at Cyclorama on Tremont Street. They even offered free valet parking. The atmosphere was ideal. Check out this couch with the cute pillows.
Everyone who attended received free drinks, ice cream, a certificate for a free bra and a goody bag on the way out.
They had several "fitters" on hand to measure people for their new bras. Here I am getting measured by Sonja.

Here's Kelly with Sonja after her fitting.

We even ran into some of our blogging friends while we were there.
(L to R: Mommy Niri, Jessica Severson, Kelly, Mommycosm, Me)

They say that 8 out of 10 women are wearing the wrong bra size. I'm one of the 8. Thanks to the fitting, I can now get the correct (more comfortable) size.

If this event comes to a city near you, I highly recommend attending.

1 comment:

  1. I went this afternoon. It was fun but I wish that there were bras for me to try on. Looks like you had a good time!
