
Wednesday, December 7, 2011

The Season of Giving

If you're interested in reading my post on holiday giving from last year, click here.

I know that money is tight for everyone, especially this time of year. I'm lucky in the fact that I'm a shopping addict and I can't resist a good deal. This results in me shopping all year long for things that I put away for the holidays. This works out especially well when I want to give to charity. I have a pretty decent stash in my gift closet.

Here are some of the charities that I've either donated to or heard good things about:

Toys For Tots-I love that they have so many drop off locations. Oh and if you drop off inside the mall, there's usually a gentlemen or two in their Marine uniforms.

Christmas in the City-They are a 100% volunteer organization. Jake Kennedy and his family and coworkers work VERY hard to pull off a very big party, complete with a gift for every child, every year. They do wonderful things for local children.

Room to Grow-I haven't had the pleasure of working with Room to Grow...yet. I will make it a priority after the new year. They help families by giving them needed supplies AND support for children up to age three.

DOVE-stands for DOmestic Violence Ended. They offer counseling, support and emergency shelter. I love to give to DOVE. When women flee an abusive relationship, they often go to the shelter with nothing but the clothes on their back.

Globe Santa-Since 1956, Globe Santa has been The Boston Globe's annual appeal for needy children in Greater Boston. The Globe Santa Fund collects donations from the general public to purchase holiday gifts for underprivileged children.

If you're looking for something in your own neighborhood to contribute to, check with your local house of worship. They often have families that you can "adopt" for the holidays.

What are some of your favorite charities to give to? Feel free to leave the link to the charity in the comment section.

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