
Sunday, April 8, 2012

I was just thinking...

I do some of my best thinking in the shower or when I'm driving. That's normal, right? Well, I've had a few ideas recently that I just can't get out of my head:

The first idea is The BackPack Program. Now, this program is already going on in other parts of the country and the state, but is it going on in my town and the towns around me? I need to find this out. The idea is this: children from low-income families receive free, or low cost, lunch while they are in school, Monday thru Friday. What about the weekends? Are they going hungry? The BackPack Program fills backpacks of needy children on Fridays to take home for the weekend. As a blogger, I'm pretty low on the totem pole. However, I DO know other bloggers that have quite a bit of influence with brands. Perhaps these brands would be willing to help? I'd like to start this initiative. Who's with me?

My next idea is a fun one. Do you have clothes in your closet that you no longer wear OR that (gasp!) have the tags still on them? Since I'm a bargain shopper, I have LOTS of clothes with the tags still on them. I'd love to coordinate a consignment sale. I'm participating in a children's consignment sale next weekend, but I've never seen one for adults. Most women have clothes that are in great shape that they just don't need or want anymore. Why not make a little extra money? All the clothes left behind after the sale? They can be donated to a local women's shelter.

My other idea is that Puopolo's should start a delivery service (for a small fee). They should deliver candy to my door every week.

Share your ideas. Any good/bad/crazy ones lately?


  1. I love the idea of the backpack program. There are so many kids who this would help!

  2. Some great ideas! I'd be interested...

  3. Great ideas! I'd be interested!

  4. Totally agree that the best ideas happen while driving. That would have to be one of my specialties, in fact. The trick is capture those ideas without swerving off the road. One-touch voice memos button on the dashboard is my idea, especially if the functionality could be pre-programmed to send me the memo as an email for later retrieval. Eliminates the need for me to fumble for the iPhone and spend time doing the alternating glance between phone and road.
