
Monday, June 4, 2012

Got Books? 2012 Book Sale

It's that time again. Time to start collecting books for my annual book sale. I can't believe that this is my 7th year doing it. Time flies! 

This year the proceeds will be divided between two organizations.

The first one is near and dear to me: The Gina LaRocco Scholarship Fund. Gina's mom, Kathy, and I work together in a small office and we've been friends for years. In 2009 Kathy, her husband Richard, their son Anthony, and their entire family had their world turned upside down. Gina was killed in a car accident on her way to work. She was just 23 years old. Kathy and Gina weren't just mother and daughter, they were the best of friends. Speaking of friends, Gina had too many to count.

She was a beautiful girl who looked equally like her mom and her dad.

Gina graduated from Weymouth High School in 2004. After attending college, she decided to pursue a career in cosmetology. She worked at Joanna's House of Beauty in Hingham and eventually moved on to Supercuts in Hanover. Gina LOVED her job. She was passionate about being a hairdresser and it showed in her work.  Her family has set up a scholarship fund in her name to help young woman get started in a career in cosmetology. Over the past 3 years, the Fund has helped several young women achieve their dreams.

The other organization that will benefit from the book sale this year is Cradles to Crayons.

Cradles to Crayons (C2C) provides homeless and low-income children with the essentials they require to thrive-to feel safe, warm, ready to learn and valued. Cradles to Crayons collects new and like-new children's items through grassroots community drives and corporate donations. Donations are then processed and packaged by volunteers, and are distributed to disadvantaged children across the state through a collaborative network of social service agencies and school partners.

I've been donating to C2C for many years. I was first introduced to them when I worked in Boston and the company that I worked for did an annual community service day. I chose C2C because it was close to where I live. I had no idea the impact that one day of volunteering would have on me. I've been back several times to volunteer (although, not as much as I'd like). The last time I went, I even brought my niece. She had a great time. I was glad to share that experience with her.

 Since I'm unable to volunteer my time right now, I like to donate items. You all know that I'm a bargain shopper. Whenever I find a great deal on children's clothes or shoes, I buy them and donate them to Cradles to Crayons. I know that whatever I give will be put to good use locally.

So clean out those attics, basements and bookcases. I'll take whatever you've got. 

If you're local to the south shore of Massachusetts and you'd like to donate books, please let me know. I'll even pick them up! 

If you'd like to drop them off, the address is 37 Center Street, (East) Weymouth. 

The book sale this year will be held Saturday, August 11. 

Thank you from the bottom of my heart. 


  1. Hi! I will start going through my books now. I live in Quincy, so I can drop them off to you at some point as the date gets closer.


  2. I could probably find books to donate (i'm pretty sure we have 1000)! I will go through them soon and either get them to you or make you come to Dorchester :::)

  3. Wow! Are you a sweetheart or what. :) I wish I wasn't thousands of miles away - I'm sure I have tons of books around here for you.
