
Monday, September 13, 2010

Bargain of the Week-Kids Style

While I was in search of this weeks "Bargain of the Week" I ran into a friend. We were at the Derby Street Shoppes in Hingham.We, of course, had to make a pit stop at Pinkberry for a little frozen yogurt.
I sometimes get caught up in looking for bargains for myself . Today, I decided to go "outside the box". My first two stops yielded nothing. My third stop was Baby Gap. I found these cute little items for girls.

If you were to buy all of these cute little items it would only cost $9.88.

This one was $1.97

This one was $2.97

This one was $3.97

This cute little shirt was $.97!

I found a little something in the boys section as well.

This swimsuit was $1.97

This one-piece polo was $3.99

After hitting Baby Gap I hopped on over to the Hingham Shipyard to hit Old Navy. I found some cute jeans for my niece. She's growing like a weed! Every time I see a pair of pants in her size I buy them. These were on clearance for $2.97

I didn't find anything for myself on this shopping trip. Stay tuned for next week's bargain to see what I can find.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! My good friend is expecting the first of the year and will have to head to Baby Gap to fill up her basket of goodies. Thanks for the tip..
