
Sunday, September 26, 2010

Cooking With Loopy-Part Deux

For this segment of CWL, I thought we'd hop across the Atlantic. I'll give you a few hints of what kind of cooking we'll be doing today:

If you guessed French food, you're right!

Here's what we'll be making today:
I'm pretty sure Ore-Ida is French for yummy. I've never been to France, but I'm sure these are big over there. My question is, if you're in France do you have to ask for "French Fries" or just fries? I'm going to have to look into that further.

Here's our recipe for today:
Ore-Ida French Fries (or any other brand that you may like)
Cookie sheet (I thought they were just for cookies but apparently you can use them for other things)

Once you're ready, place your fries in a SINGLE LAYER on the cookie sheet. Here's what it should NOT look like:

This is the correct way:

After cooking for about 15 minutes (or however long it states on the package) they will be done. Let them cool for a bit, add a dash of salt and viola, they're done!

I just love French food. Yum!