
Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Magic Pants

Here's something that you might not know about me: I do NOT have a nice butt. It's hard to say out loud, but it's true. It's as flat as a pancake and as the years progress, it seems to get wider. Maybe I should lay off the chocolate. Wait, that's crazy talk!
Since I work with kids and I'm able to wear whatever I want, I decided to invest in a pair of pants that were comfortable but still flattering. I decided to check out Lululemon. Their pants are not only the most comfortable that I've ever owned, but they are also the most flattering. Their pants are not cheap. I was able to buy them with the help of a gift certificate from a friend for my birthday. I also rationalized the purchase by telling myself, "Self, you're a yoga teacher. You NEED these pants!" Granted, I'm a children's yoga teacher and we basically do a lot of jumping around to Alvin and the Chipmunks songs, but still.
I bought the Groove pant. Again, I don't care what size you are, these pants will make your butt look amazing! Another thing that I love about the pants is that they come in actual sizes, 2, 4, 6, 8, etc. Instead of the normal S, M,L or XL. They also hem the pants for FREE.
Oh and they also give you these cool bags when you make a purchase.

If you're a stay at home mom or someone who can wear whatever they want, I highly recommend investing in a pair of these pants. I feel so skinny and pretty when I wear them.

WARNING: Your husband or significant other will not be able to keep his hands off you when you have these pants on. Yes, you will look that good. Consider yourself warned.

1 comment:

  1. And for the truly gifted in the backside (hope that sounded right) You'll be shakin' your stuff all over town and feeling great about it...Everyone needs a pair...Any shape or size will benefit from these magical pants :)
