
Monday, October 25, 2010

The Season of Giving

Christmas in exactly 2 months from today. Depressing, I know. Raise your hand if you've started your shopping. {My hand remains by my side} I was fortunate enough to score big at the Target toy clearance over the summer. I'm sure I'll be digging into that for holiday giving.

I also like to give toys to those children less fortunate. I like to give to Toys for Tots, a wonderful organization run by the United State Marine Corps. Who can resist those handsome gentleman at the mall sitting next to that (often empty) box?

When I worked in Boston, I took over the holiday tradition in our office. We worked with an organization called Christmas in the City. I did a little research to find out what it was all about. Once I did, I was hooked. First of all, CITC is a 100% volunteer organization. They do not have one single paid employee. The other thing that I love about them is the party that they have every year. It's held at a downtown location and they have the most amazing things. A turkey dinner, pizza, hot dogs, games for the kids, haircuts, Santa. At the end of the day, all of the children also get a bag with a winter hat, mittens, socks and a book.
The best part about the party is that every child receives a gift just for them. If you get in touch with CITC to request a child's name, they will send you the child's name, age and a wish list of three items. You are only to buy one item and wrap it with the child's name.

If you would like to give to CITC but don't have time to shop, wrap and drop off a gift, fear not, they have a wish list on You can purchase a toy and they will ship it directly to CITC. How great is that?! Super easy, right?

I know a lot of people also adopt families through their churches and that's wonderful too. It doesn't matter what you do, as long as you take a moment to remember those in need.
I realize that times are tough this year and money is tight for everyone. If you can't give a gift, perhaps think about volunteering. I know that Christmas in the City looks for people to help set up their party every year. They also allow children to help. Why not bring the family and teach the kids about giving back?

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