
Monday, November 22, 2010

Christmas Milk

*The following post was written by Kelly, Loopy's sister. She is a (somewhat) regular contributor to the blog*

Aaahh Christmas milk. My kids look forward to this all year. In case you aren't sure what Christmas milk is, it's Eggnog. My kids don't like the word Eggnog, calling it that comes with too many questions: Why is it called eggnog? Are there eggs in it? Why are there eggs in it? Is that why it's a funny color? What is nog?
We started calling it Christmas milk when my 14 year old daughter was young. Due to her chronic pancreatitis, she isn't able to have too much of it. When she does drink it, we cut it in half with skim milk.

So rich and yummy - mmmm Christmas milk.


  1. Yuuummmmm is right. I like my "Christmas Milk" with a shot of bourbon :)

  2. I love me some egg nog (only the spiked version please......KIDDING). I just ordered 2 gallons of it from my milkman! Yummm.
