
Sunday, November 7, 2010

Smells Like Fall

I'll be honest, I'm not a huge fan of fall. I find it hard to let go of shorts and flip-flops. It all seems to happen so fast, one minute you're at the beach and the next minute, you're raking leaves. It's crazy.
One of the things I dislike about fall is that the house starts to get really, really dry. The heat comes on and it can get a little stuffy at times. Before I haul my humidifier out of the attic I take a simpler approach. I set a small pan on the stove with water. I let the water come to a boil and then I add a couple of spoonfuls of this:
I think I got this as part of a gift one year. I wasn't really sure of what to do with it. I discovered that if I put a little bit in the boiling water, it makes the whole house smell good. It's a very autumnal scent. For me, it makes fall a little more bearable.

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