
Thursday, January 6, 2011


Waiting for January clearance sales to start is like waiting for a baby to be born; "What will it be like?" "When will it happen?" "Will it hurt?" Okay, maybe not that last one, but you catch my drift.
I'm {not so} patiently waiting for these freakin' sales to start. I see the stores gearing up for Valentine's Day and even (gasp!) spring! What the heck? Spring? I'm not ready to put my pasty white body into spring clothes and bright colors. I'm still hiding in my bulky sweaters and jeans, thankyouverymuch.

The sale that I'm most looking forward to is the Target toy clearance. This is the time to stock up on toys for the coming year. How many children's birthday parties do you get invited to? Do you find yourself running out at the last minute (or on the way to the party) to buy a gift? With this sale you can stock up on some great toys at a fraction of their regular price.

I'm really waiting for this sign

to change to 75% off.

During the July Target toy clearance I was able to buy many Christmas gifts and gifts for Toys for Tots.
I've been to Target every day for the past four days waiting, waiting, waiting. I guess that's the only thing I can do.


  1. I think we still have a bit of time to wait. If I recall correctly, it wasn't until the 3rd week of January last year when it went to 75% off. Awesome sale.

  2. Oh wow, 75% off??? I don't buy many toys these days except for a few neices and nephews. I don't have room to stock up right now and with another move pending this summer, I can't wait to buy a lot to move again. Excuses, excuses! I can't wait to hear about your haul, though.

  3. I was there the other day and it was all still
    30% off, not a great deal for me yet.
