
Thursday, February 24, 2011

Birthday Recap

I feel as though I've been celebrating turning 40 for the last two weeks. It started with a dinner for my BFF's 40th, organized by her husband. He was kind enough to put my name on the cake as well. Our birthdays are only nine days apart.

Then, this past weekend, I went out with some friends that I met through work ten years ago in Boston. We call ourselves "The Vault" (more on that in another post).
The Vault took me out to dinner and gave me a beautiful Pandora bracelet.
The bracelet has a treasure chest charm on it. It took me a minute to figure it out but I realized that it symbolizes a vault. They are so clever!

Today was the actual day and it was great! I was kind of dreading it for a while, but fortunately for me, I have some really great people in my life.

First, I slept in a bit, which was glorious. Then I looked at my blog and saw this post from my sister. I laughed and I cried. It was sweet and touching. I loved it. She did a great job. It was a wonderful surprise.

Next, I headed off to meet my best friend for breakfast. She had her three kids with her and I just adore them. They are three of the most well-behaved children you could ever meet.

After breakfast came some gifts:

This gift was a beautiful silver necklace with the letter L on it. My three friends and I decided to get each other this necklace for our 40th birthdays. We all have it. Here it is on my friend Janie:
After that I went to the mall to meet Kelly and her boys. We had a great time just leisurely shopping.

For dinner I went to Kelly's where she made my favorite: her meatballs (they're famous in my family) and spaghetti. My parents came over as well.
The kids loved helping me blow out the candles.

I received some wonderful gifts: a new power cord for my computer and a purse that I really wanted.

My parents gave me these:
I've always wanted diamond earrings I thought 40 might be a good age to get them.

I had such a great day. I'm almost sad to see it end. End it must, though. I need to get to bed. I'm an old lady now, you know.


  1. Looks like you had a very bling-filled birthday!!! I'm glad you had a good day & I will definitely be waiting for my invite the next time Kelly makes those meatballs.

  2. What a wonderful way to celebrate your birthday. 40 is fabulous, you've proven that with gifts from Tiffany, Pandora and diamonds. My kind of gal :)
    Happy Birthday!!

  3. Hey... I'm turning 40 this year, too. I hope I have as great a day as you did! Happy belated birthday. =}

  4. Happy 40th! I am turning 50 this year so I think I will forward this to friends and family in case they need any ideas!
