
Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Home Parties

There is a new trend in in-home parties. Gone are the days of the Tupperware party. The latest trend is hosting parties for brands. Companies like House Party and Mommy Parties are looking for moms (or non-moms) to invite people into their homes to talk about and sample brands that we use everyday.
Forget about inviting people over to buy things and getting excuses like:

"Sorry, I have to give my dog a bikini wax that night."
"I can't make it. I'm waiting for George Clooney to call me back and he only has my home phone number."
"No can do. I have plans to color my hair with a Sharpie that night."

Now people will be thrilled to come over and not spend a dime. Oh and they get to leave with a goodie bag containing items about the product showcased. How cool is that?

Recently, Kelly and I were invited to a party by the fabulous Melanie (aka The Coupon Goddess). She hosted a Nutella party in her home. She made crepes with Nutella, bananas and even strawberries.

They were so delicious!

We also got to meet some really cool women.
Tracey (Family in Construction), Darby, Melanie (The Coupon Goddess), Kelly and Me

Here's how these home parties work:
It's free to sign up. You give them your info and they email you when they have a party available for hosting. You fill out a short questionnaire and they contact you (via email) if you've been selected as a host. In a few short weeks you get a package in the mail containing everything you need to host your party. Easy and fun!

Give it a try!

*This was not a sponsored post. I just love spreading the word about these companies.


  1. Had some good belly laughs! A full belly that is, those crepes were delicious! Will definitely be putting nutella on my shopping list.

  2. I'm glad you've had fun. YOU should start hosting some parties. She invited me to go, but I had a b-day party that day, so I couldn't go. Now that I saw she made crepes, I wish I had blown off the b-day party. Damn.

  3. That was so much fun!! Who thought Nutella could be such a conversation starter, lol. Looking forward to doing it again!
