
Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Noteworthy Memos-Review and Giveaway

**Update: this giveaway has ended. Thank you to all who entered. Winner will be announced soon. **
I don't know about you but I stress out a little bit when I have to give an adult a gift. I always want it to be perfect. I also want the recipient to know that I thought of them specifically when I bought the gift.
One of my favorite gifts to give is anything from Noteworthy Memos. My friend (and mompreneur) Jill started this company a few years back. She had an idea that was good and it took off from there.

I started giving the List Notes as gifts and people loved them. I even gave some to new moms with a picture of the baby on them. I also had some made as gifts for my sisters with a picture of the three of us on them.

Jill has since expanded her business to include Notecards, Planners and Artwork Notes. I love the idea that you can put your child's artwork on a pad of paper or notecard.

Last year I gave Kelly a "Mom's Menu" planner as a gift. She loved it! Each week she could plan her menu and then write it on the planner. She hung it on the refrigerator for the whole family to see...getting rid of the phrase "what's for dinner?"

Anything from Noteworthy Memos makes a great gift for Mother's Day. Grandmothers especially love getting them.

Please be sure to have your Mother's Day orders in by this Friday, April 29.

I am giving away one set of notecards to one lucky reader.

To enter, simply leave your first name, last initial and email address.

Giveaway ends Thursday, April 28 at 9:00 PM EST.

Click here to "like" Noteworthy Memos on Facebook.


  1. I LOVED my Mom's Menu Planner. It was one of the nicest gifts. The planner had three rotating pictures of my children. I kept all the sheets so I could refer back to different recipes and ideas for dinner for the week. My planner is all used...hint, hint. I really could use new one. It's a great gift for working mom's with busy schedules.

  2. What a great gift!
    kelly L

  3. I will need some recipes to put on my planner! Kelly can help me with that!
    Lynne W

  4. Fun stuff! Thanks for doing this.
    Paula K

  5. Okay, if you can read this, let Kelly know! Love you!
    Susan D.

  6. hey... where'd my comment go?! i was the first to leave one darnit!:)

    i just ordered these yesterday for my mom for mother's day.. what a great idea! thanks!

    i could use something like this for myself too though...

    kandi f.

  7. Sounds great!

    Tina M

  8. Love this!

    Beth M

  9. I'd love to win.

  10. Kerriedolan(at)hotmail(dot)com
