
Monday, May 9, 2011

5 Things We Learned at Bloggy Boot Camp.

Kelly & I had the opportunity to attend the SITS Girls Bloggy Boot Camp at the Seaport Hotel in Boston this past Saturday. Tiffany and Francesca put together a great one day conference. It's now Monday and I'm still trying to sift through my notes and figure out what the first step we should take to get our blog to the next level.

Here are 5 things that we learned on Saturday:

1) You can never have too many business cards. Kelly thought she had plenty, but she quickly ran out.

2) Be prepared with a notebook. You'll be taking a lot of notes. The speakers are going to give you a lot of information. You'll want to take down as much as you can so you can refer back to it later.

3) Get a Social Media Kit together. If you want to work with brands you'll need to have something to give to the brand to let them know a little bit about you.

4) Remember the Mom Test. The internet is forever. Whatever you put on your blog be comfortable with the content if your Mom decides to read it.

5) Tiffany Romero is very pretty.

If you're a blogger and you have the opportunity to attend a Bloggy Boot Camp, I highly recommend it. You'll be so happy you did.


  1. I was there and had fun, too. :) I'm going to look over my notes this week and then I'll decide where I'm going to go. It's highly likely that I'll be considering Amy Bradley-Hole's presentation about branding ourselves... looking within myself and discovering who I am, who I want to be, and what my purpose is. And... this thing with Tiffany Romero being pretty is out of control! :P
