
Sunday, June 12, 2011

Trip to New York City

*The following was written by Kelly, part-time contributor to this blog and Loopy's sister*

Meg's 8th grade class went to New York City and Philly for a four day field trip. It was a little bumpy for Meg at first. She got a little sea-sick on one of the tour boats that took them around Manhattan. After the first night she was feeling much better and had a great time. Their first stop was Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty. Meg did a great job taking pictures.

I think her favorite part of the trip was Madame Tussaud's Wax Museum. As you can see from the picture above she had her picture taken with her biggest crush! **swoon - Justin Bieber**

At night Meg would call and tell me all about her day. I kept asking her if she picked anything special up for herself. She had plenty of money to buy souvenirs and her lunch each day. She kept saying she would get something.

When we got home and unpacked everything, she gave me the extra money back. I counted it and did some quick math. She was gone for four full days and spent a total of $64.00! When I asked her why she didn't get an "I love New York" sweatshirt or t-shirt her response was, "Mom - why would I spent $40.00 on a sweatshirt that I know you could buy me for like $5.00?"
I guess my frugal/couponing ways have rubbed off on Meg. I'm not sure if that's a good thing or not.


  1. She had $280 to spend and only spent $64? She definitely doesn't take after me.

  2. We were in NYC last weekend! I have some of those same photos :)
