
Saturday, August 13, 2011

Book Sale Wrap-Up

It's over. Thank goodness. I don't think I could have squeezed one more book into my parents garage.

We had an onslaught of people before 9:00 am. As I said to Kelly, "I don't care if people get here early, as long as they buy books." And buy they did.

I have my "regulars" who show up every year. They tell me that they wait all year for the sale. It's because of people like that, that I keep doing it. It's also for the people I meet during the sale. Everyone has been touched by cancer in some way. We even had a woman who was currently undergoing treatment at the Cancer Center show up and buy some books.

My goal for this year was to raise $639. Why $639? Well, because last year I raised $638.
I'm happy to report that this year I raised:

Wait for it...


I am very pleased with the amount raised, the number of people who showed up and the weather. Every year we are blessed with a beautiful, sunny day. This year was no different.

Here are some pictures from the day:

So many books.

Me and Harry. One of my helpers.

Kids books

The leftovers

My biggest helper, Kelly, and me. Oh, and the Big Guy.

A special thank you to Kelly and her family for getting up super early on a Saturday to help out. I couldn't have done it without you guys!

I'd also like to thank anyone who donated and/or bought books. I appreciate every single penny that was raised.
Thanks everyone!
Can't wait until next year.

1 comment:

  1. So GREAT! Congrats on a great day for a great cause :)
