
Thursday, August 18, 2011

Cooking with Kelly

The following post was written by Kelly, a part-time contributor.

I've made these brownies a couple of times this summer. Super simple and delicious. I gave the "recipe" to a couple of my friends, but they weren't happy with their results. I thought maybe a tutorial might help.

Here's everything you'll need. Make the brownies according to the directions on the box. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees
Line a 13x9 pan with tin foil and grease the tin foil with Crisco. Cooking spray doesn't work as well as Crisco.
Take a small package of Reese's peanut butter cups (8 Reese's per package) and chop them up into small pieces.

Add Reese's to the brownie batter and mix together.

Pour into prepared pan

Bake according to the package
I like my brownies a little goey, so I cook them them for 22 minutes at 350 degrees.
This is what they should look like when they come out of the oven.
Let the brownies cool on a wire rack
This is why I line the pan with tinfoil. The brownies are so much easier to cut on a flat surface.
B is a chocoholic like me, so he couldn't wait to help. He enjoys being the tester to make sure they taste okay before we serve them to anyone.
The finished product.
These easy brownies are a big hit at my house.

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