
Monday, November 28, 2011

Hangin' With The Goddess

Last night my friend Melanie, aka The Coupon Goddess, had a little get-together at her house. As a blogger and a couponer, she gets lots of merchandise for free, or close to it. After donating a lot of it, she decided to share some with friends. She invited some of us over for a night of snacks, sangria and goodies.

Melanie filled several bags with candles, cleaning products and other goodies. We each picked a bag, yankee swap style, opened it, and if we didn't like the bag we chose, we swapped with one of the other girls.

It was a great night with friends, old and new.

Some of my favorite people were there...

Melanie, of course
I think she was covering her face at something I said (or did)

Kelly, Kelly & Cindy

I was thrilled with my goody bag filled with (among other things) candles.

I was so excited with all of the great stuff that I got that I decided to roll around in tissue paper.

I'm not sure I'll ever be invited back to Melanie's house.


  1. Lol, of course you'll be invited back. You are the entertainment. ;)

  2. I haven't laughed like that in a long time. Such a fun night!!

  3. My checks hurt from laughing last night!! XO

  4. I saw that par-tay on Coupon Goddess' blog and meant to fun!! Coupon Goddess rocks! I'm sure you'll be invited back....she looks like she rolls with the crazy fun just fine. :)
