
Sunday, March 11, 2012

A Few of my Favorite Things

People often say to me, "Loopy, you're a lot like Oprah." I say, "Really? How so?" They respond, "Well, you both have your favorite things that you like telling people about."
This is true, however, unlike Ms. Winfrey, I'm not giving you mine, I'm just going to tell you about them. Oh come on, wipe that sour puss off your face, the highest priced item is $12.

Here goes:

I have three favorite things about this light:
#1 It takes batteries. You don't have to mess with a cord and try and find an outlet nearby.
#2 It has this little switch on the side:

When you set it to "Auto" it comes on when motion is detected. It stays on for about 30 seconds and then goes off.
#3 The handy-dandy hook that it comes with.

I have one of these lights hanging in my bathroom. When I get up in the middle of the night, it's nice to be able to see. I also have one hanging just inside the door of my house. It turns on when the door opens, which I love. I'm pretty sure it would scare robbers away.

My second favorite thing that I'm going to share with you today is this:

Archer Farms Chocolate Lave Cakes. You can get them at Target. They are so yummy. Just look at this chocolatey goodness.
They come four in a package and they'll cost you $6.99. I can't have them in the house all the time because if I did, I'd be as BIG as a house. Although, I must say, I only eat one half when I eat them. I cut them in half before popping them in the microwave. They're also good with whipped cream. What? I had a big salad for dinner.

My third favorite thing is my lotion.

It's pronounced SARA-VAY and it can be a little difficult to find. Sometimes they have it at Target and Wal-Mart but I'm usually able to find it at Walgreen's. And it's usually on sale for about $12. Yes, it might be a lot to pay for lotion, but this stuff works great. I use it on my hands, feet, elbows and legs. It's moisturizing without being greasy. My dermatologist recommended it years ago and I've been using it ever since. I can't say enough good things about it.

Well, there you have it. A few products that I love. Are there any products that you love and can't live without?


  1. Yum. I didn't even know that Target sold lava cakes! Drool! Where do you find them? The freezer section?

  2. I love that nightlighty thingy. I might have to get one for myself! Put it in the bathroom... genious! I love anything chocolate. YUM.

    I used to write about my favorite things, but lately, I write about nothing. I'm so stinkin busy, when did life get so crazy. Anyway, I loved your birthday post too. I have missed reading about you.

  3. I'm in love with Bamboo hair products! Parabin free and is wayy less money than I was spending on my previous line. I'm a hair product junkie.

    I also can't live without MAC mascara. Zoom in jet black!

    One more...Perfect World face moisturizer from Origins. Goes on like silk. Made with white tea! The best!
