
Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Fossils Vacation

The Fossils just got back from a two-week cruise around the Caribbean. They do this cruise with their friends every year.

I'm not sure why, but I am always in charge of uploading their pictures when they get back. Actually I do know why; they have no idea how to do it.

The pictures that they take are literally interchangeable from year to year.

I do love looking at the photos though. Here are a few winners:

There are always at least 3 photos of the ship.

This time was no exception.

The elevators. Always good to get a picture of those.

I think this is the ceiling.

I'm guessing that this is the moon.

People (that they may or may not know) swimming.

Thankfully, this year they only took 37 pictures. Oh, and there is not one picture of the two of them together. The Big Guy asked, "How would we get a picture of the two of us when one of us is always the one taking the pictures?" Fossils, can't live with 'em. End of story.

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