
Wednesday, August 1, 2012

My Wedding

My 7 year old nephew is obsessed with my wedding. Trouble is...I'm not getting married. I don't even have a boyfriend. He has just decided that it's time for me to get married and have kids. He worries a lot about it. In fact, here are a couple of  tidbits that I've heard from him in the last few days:

Brennan: "Auntie Laura, when you get married what will we have to call your husband?"
Me: "I don't know bud. I guess you'd call him Uncle whatever."
Brennan: "Oh. Okay"

And today:

Brennan: "Auntie Laura, when you get married don't invite us."
Me: "Why not?"
Brennan: "Because kids probably aren't allowed at the place. But if they are, I'm going to bring Terrance and Sweet Terrance (his stuffed animals). I'll go to Build A Bear and get them tuxedos to wear.

So there you have it. Apparently I'm getting married. And I'll have a couple of stuffed turtles as guests. I'm so glad he has everything planned out for me.


  1. Maybe he can help you find " Uncle Whatever"... I'd rather have a couple of Turtles with cool names than some of the guest I had attending my wedding. Oh, I do believe Wahlburgers is kid friendly!

    To be continued ....................<3

  2. Love that he is going to get them tuxedos! Too cute!!

  3. Where was he when I got married - I TOTALLY could have used his help!
