Saturday, February 20, 2010

The Binder

Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Kelly and I am Loopy's sister. She has asked to share some of my money saving tips with you. I have recently become an avid "couponer". I'm still fairly new to couponing but I do pretty well at the stores that I frequent. The first thing that I must show you is the binder. My family and friends have a great time giving me grief about it, but it saves me a ton of money. The most important thing about organizing your coupons is to figure out a system that works for you. Also, be sure to keep an eye on expiration dates. Start slow or you will become overwhelmed for sure. The grocery store is a good place to start. Did you know that most grocery stores AUTOMATICALLY DOUBLE any coupon under $1.00? Sometimes they even have a triple coupon promotion. Here's is a glimpse inside my binder. Please feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions or suggestions

1 comment:

  1. Hi I am the Daughter of Kelly Moore. My name for her is Meg. I love to go with her and ask if a coupon is in the binder. And if she says "no" then I say ok. But if it is on sale ( and she has a coupon then that is a different story) Plus at the Cheakout I want to find out how much she saved. It is very impressive to see how much my mom saved. It saves money for important things. I love you Mom.
