I sometimes get caught up in looking for bargains for myself . Today, I decided to go "outside the box". My first two stops yielded nothing. My third stop was Baby Gap. I found these cute little items for girls.

This one was $3.97

If you were to buy all of these cute little items it would only cost $9.88.
This one was $1.97
This one was $2.97
This cute little shirt was $.97!
I found a little something in the boys section as well.
This swimsuit was $1.97
This one-piece polo was $3.99
After hitting Baby Gap I hopped on over to the Hingham Shipyard to hit Old Navy. I found some cute jeans for my niece. She's growing like a weed! Every time I see a pair of pants in her size I buy them. These were on clearance for $2.97
I didn't find anything for myself on this shopping trip. Stay tuned for next week's bargain to see what I can find.
Wow! My good friend is expecting the first of the year and will have to head to Baby Gap to fill up her basket of goodies. Thanks for the tip..